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The first private company holding a power distribution license in Turkey, Adm Elektrik adopts a safe, efficient, environment and human-oriented service approach, as well as using technological systems that meet today’s needs, to provide electricity, which is a must in our daily lives and the driving force behind agriculture, commerce and industry.
Adm Elektrik once took a bold step as the very first private power distribution company in Turkey, and is now providing uninterrupted electricity 24 hours a day for 2.3 million consumers, corresponding to a population of 3.2 million people, in an area of 33,000 square kilometers comprising of 49 districts and 1,856 neighborhoods in provinces of Aydın, Denizli and Muğla.
Being a leader breaking grounds in the power distribution sector, Adm Elektrik focuses on technology and innovation to offer sustainable and high-quality power distribution services in the relevant regions with the motto “Energy for life”.