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We Are Proud To Become One of the Participants to the United Nations Global Compact!
Adm Elektrik is proud and happy to have become a party to the UN Global Compact - the most comprehensive sustainability platform in the world.
We do business in the best way possible to carry the organization to the future, while fulfilling our responsibilities for individuals, for the society, our country and the environment. We complete our tasks at the time and quality required, ensuring that it is done in line with our business ethics. We adopt a transparent and accountable business approach that complies with procedures and rules. We speak up if we encounter an unethical or unfair practice. We consider how our behaviors affect others.
As a participant to said compact, we commit to complying, in all our business processes, with the 10 principles in the United Nations Global Principles in the areas of human rights, labor, environment and anti-corruption; we acknowledge that we are going to obey these principles while also reporting our work in these areas on a yearly basis, and use concrete proof to demonstrate that we have fulfilled our commitments.
Adm Elektrik will continue to be a part of projects that make a difference in the sector through its human-oriented approach and sustainable objectives.
You can click the link below for our company profile and our letter for the commitment we made regarding the 10 basic universal principles set out in the UN Global Compact.