Grid Operations

We offer services to users in our Distribution area through our Failure Repair and Maintenance team at 55 different points, in particular all city and district centers in Aydın, Denizli and Muğla. Failures on the low and high voltage grids and lighting systems -sent through notifications sent by customers, sent through OSOS, SCADA and similar channels, through reports raised or a diagnosis made during a planned maintenance- are resolved by these units that offer services for 24 hours a day, 365 days a year to ensure continuity of the power supply.



Our studies initiated in 2012 led to the use of remote monitoring and control systems called SCADA in short, with the aim of ensuring that grid management in power distribution can be performed using high-tech equipment, with optimum labor, in a safe, uninterrupted, remotely monitored, quick and efficient manner.


Each year, an increasing number of transformers and distribution centers are involved in the SCADA system. Number of stations monitored and controlled via SCADA:



Number of Stations
Number of Stations
Number of Feeders
Number of Feeders




Regional Distribution Grand Tota
İzmir/Southern 67
İzmir/Northern 24
İzmir/Metropol 42
Manisa 37
Grand Total 170


Geographical Information System (CBS):

For Power Distribution Companies, the CBS allows to store, associate and manage geographical and verbal information regarding the assets that comprise the power grid (transformers, lines, etc.) and events linked to these assets (maintenance, outage, etc.). It is an important information and decision support system that performs queries and analyses on this information to come up with alternative strategies.


For Power Distribution Companies, the CBS systematically records inventories of the grid, preventing person-dependent information sourcing; allows to access current information from a single source; and provides various opportunities in terms of operational and planning processes.


In this regard, MAPİNFO-based CBS software is used for Adm Elektrik, and all of our Power distribution network has already been transferred to the database. Desktop and web applications are made available to ensure that this system is used to perform CBS data entry and updates, management, queries and reporting.




Adm Elektrik regularly completes planned maintenance and improvement tasks for lighting systems, one of the most important aspects in a city both in terms of safety and aesthetics. To do so, the Company periodically reviews lighting systems to replace equipment that has completed its service life, while performing maintenance on systems that have not yet completed their service lives. New lighting systems are included in the system in line with the decision to be made by the lighting commission based on the investment plan approved by the EPDK (Energy Market Regulatory Authority).  Regarding lighting failures, reports and complaints, applications made to our 186 Call Center or website -through written or telephonic means- are tracked and concluded in our system.


Maintenance and Repair

Planned Maintenance is the most important process to ensure continuity of power supply and reach our quality objectives. Based on our annual maintenance plans, our practices are continuously improved with an innovative perspective and implemented on the field simultaneously, said practices making maximum use of technology and being based on periodic planned maintenance and repair procedures, as well as preventive and predictive maintenance principles. While a maintenance procedure is underway, we cut the power off obligatorily for purposes of occupational health and safety, according to the limits allowed by legislation. Our users are informed at least 48 hours before a planned outage through our website, and written and visual media organizations. Besides, all users making an application through our call center are informed about planned outages via SMS or email.


Our planned maintenance processes are stratified into three main layers, i.e. observation and identification, maintenance, and grid renewal. As part of these processes, we have started to build an infrastructure systematically by collecting field data on the distribution grid equipment we assess critically and strategically in our grid, e.g. age, climate conditions and environmental factors, failure history and effects, etc. Again, as part of our observation processes, our teams view the whole grid to record and review it, and for rural areas, they review our power transmission lines from the air using drones to quickly identify the needs there. An infrastructure is being created for the Health Index and Criticality Index of our grid. Moreover, maintenance procedures are continuously carried out on the entirety of our grid, while replacing pieces of equipment that are found to have completed their service lives.

Customer Operations


Meter Reading

Consumer meters are read by Adm Elektrik once in every calendar month, at intervals of 25 days minimum and 35 days maximum. This is considered a monthly reading. If the company fails to read the meter due to the force majeure stated in Article 35 of the Electricity Market License Regulation, or due to severe weather conditions, seasonal use and so on, this will not be considered a violation of the monthly reading procedure. In places of use covered by this scope, meters are read at least twice a year.

All consumer meters installed in the service area of Adm Elektrik are read by our meter reading teams under a certain plan. Meters covered by the Automated Meter Reading System, on the other hand, are read remotely via OSOS (Automated Meter Reading Systems). Our consumers are either delivered a reading notification by the company, or get this notification through electronic means if they request so. Information found in the reading notification can also be drawn up in the bill/payment notice.


    Reading notices contain information including but not limited to the following:

  • Consumer’s full name or title, address, eligible consumer unique code or EIC, profile type if applicable
  • Meter’s brand, type and serial number, multiplier, current and/or voltage transformer rates if any
  • First and last indexes and reading dates for active and reactive consumption
  • Total amount of energy consumed
  • If there are meters replaced, details of their index values
  • Phone and fax numbers, web and email addresses, failure and hotline numbers of the consumer service centers of the legal person that holds the distribution license
  • Reading notification is drawn up in writing. If the consumer prefers, the reading notification can be sent to them through permanent data storage.



Aspects regarding the collection of overdue debts are regulated under retail sales contracts or bilateral agreements signed with the relevant supplier.

If payments set out in the retail sales contract are not made on time, Adm Elektrik can cut off the power supply of the consumer upon request by the authorized supply company.

If the consumer whose power has been cut off fulfils their obligations and the authorized supply company requests so:

  • The power will be restored in 24 hours in residential areas,
  • The power will be restored in 48 hours in non-residential areas.


Meter Supply, Change and Calibration

As per Article 9 of the Electricity Market Law No. 6446, it is the distribution company’s responsibility to read, maintain and operate the meters in its respective distribution area. Accordingly, our company supplies and installs the meters for our customers who request a new connection, as well as removing the faulty meters of existing consumers and supplying and installing a new meter with same properties. Consumers are not charged for any of these procedures. Our company is also responsible for taking necessary actions on the meters as per the provisions of the Measurements and Adjustment Law dated 11.01.1989 and numbered 3516. Our company removes meters that have completed their seal period of 10 years and replaces them with a new meter of same properties free of charge.

If payments set out in the retail sales contract are not made on time, Adm Elektrik can cut off the power supply of the consumer upon request by the authorized supply company.

If a consumer meter that needs to be covered by the OSOS as its annual power consumption exceeds the limit approved by the Energy Market Regulatory Board must be replaced because its technical specifications are not suitable, our company will remove and replace that meter with a new one that bears the OSOS technical specifications determined as per the legislation, without charging any fees. Article 51 of the Consumer Services Regulation sets out the actions to take if a meter fails or if the consumer suspects its measurement precision. Accordingly, if a Meter fails or has suspected measurement precision, the relevant legal person or consumer can request a meter check. This request shall be met by the distribution license holding legal person under the provisions of the Measurements and Adjustment Law dated 11.01.1989 and numbered 3516.

If it is found that the meter records consumption correctly, the meter check fee shall be paid by the requestor. The meter shall be removed and replaced by the relevant distribution company within 10 business days upon consumer’s request for a meter check.

As stated above, since power distribution companies are responsible for replacing, maintaining and operating electricity meters, said meters or measurement systems must not be intervened by anyone except for the personnel authorized by Adm Elektrik. Otherwise, legal and/or penal procedures shall be initiated due to the act of “Illegal Electricity Use” -based on the nature of said intervention- defined in Article 42 of the Electricity Market Consumer Services Regulation.



Illegal Use of Electricity

If a real or legal person does any of the following, they shall be considered to use illegal electricity:

  • Intervenes in the distribution system to use electricity without a retail sales contract or a bilateral agreement,
  • Installs another line to intervene in the distribution system in order to use electricity without subjecting it to the meter, although there is a retail sales contract or a bilateral agreement,
  • Intervenes in the meters or the measurement system to prevent correct measurement of consumption, leading to either incomplete or incorrect measurement, no measurement at all, or measurement on a meter that is not legally installed; i.e. consumes power in a way that does not comply with the applicable legislation, although there is a retail sales contract or a bilateral contract,
  • Except for force majeure, restores the power that was cut off by the distribution license holding legal person in accordance with the legislation.


Illegal Use Of Electricity

If a consumer does any of the following, they shall be considered to use illegal electricity:

  • Provides electricity for third parties using their own electrical installation after the point of measurement,
  • Uses electricity by paying the bills issued for the previous user, without a retail sales contract on their own name,
  • Uses electricity outside their consumer group without any application to the relevant legal persons, 4. Replaced the power transformer but failed to notify the relevant legal persons in writing within fifteen days,
  • Except for residential subscribers, increased the power at their own facility/facilities by more than 20% but failed to apply to the relevant license-holding legal person as per the applicable legislation, or applied to such person but did not fulfil their obligations set out in the relevant legislation.

When illegal use of electricity is found, it is critical that the relevant legal person has correct findings and documents for it and does not violate consumer rights. In order to start proceedings for illegal use of electricity, it is obligatory that illegal use is identified at the end of this process. At the end of the illegal use identification process, the legal person holding the distribution license shall cut off power supply of the real or legal person that was found to use illegal electricity, seal the meter and file a complaint with the Public Prosecution Office.


Establishing and Operating the Automated Meter Reading System:


Electricity meters of all users located in our distribution area and have an annual consumption of 40 MWH are included in the OSOS system. The indexes of these meters are read remotely by the OSOS system. This system ensures that index data is read in an error-free manner, at the same time of the same day every month. This data is also shared with the user so that they can review and control their consumption.


Besides, Street Lighting systems belonging to our distribution company are also included in the OSOS system, which allows to control these lights via OSOS.


The OSOS system also monitors the General consumption meters of the transformer facilities in our company’s distribution system. In case of a general outage, this system immediately sends a notification to the relevant units as a business order, allowing them to fix the outage in a shorter span of time.


Figures Regarding the General Lighting and Distribution Transformers Monitored via OSOS:



General Lighting
General Lighting
Distribution Transformer
Distribution Transformer



Please click here for Adm Elektrik’s Automated Meter Reading System Information Document.

Please click here to log in to the OSOS Portal.

Please click here for OSOS user account application form. 




Power Generation Plants


Monitoring Licensed/Unlicensed Production Plants (Decentralized Energy Resources)

Decentralized energy resources are rapidly increasing on a global basis in recent years. Extensive advantages offered by these resources comprising of decentralized production connected to the system from the distribution grid level, demand side engagement and meter-back battery systems play a key role in facilitating the integration of renewable energy sources into the system and increasing the flexibility of the overall power system. As a consequence, decentralized energy resources offer numerous benefits; in particular its contributions to decarburization of the energy system, as well as reducing system losses, improving the quality of voltage and power, and reducing investments in transmission and distribution system, which all support healthy operation of the grid. In this regard, our company monitors online all the Decentralized Energy Resources with a generation capacity at and above 50kW, and transfers the incoming generation data to the systems of TEİAŞ (Turkish Electricity Transmission Corporation) online.

Figures Regarding the Licensed/Unlicensed Decentralized Energy Resources In Our Grid:r:


Unlicensed Producers
Unlicensed Producers
Licensed Producers
Licensed Producers
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