
A New Home for Storks

At Adm Elektrik, we deliver energy for life while working on corporate social responsibility projects that make a difference. We work uninterruptedly on our project called “A New Home for Storks”, which we started in 2009 and which was shown as an example and -requested to be implemented- to other power distribution companies by the Ministry of Energy and Natural Resources.

We are aware of our responsibilities in improving and ensuring sustainability for the standard of living in our service area. Our approach to a sustainable environment allows us to protect nature and natural life. Our corporate social responsibility project titled “A New Home for Storks” was a first step into a huge awareness and set an example for the whole sector. With this project, we are very happy and proud to be home to storks for over 16 years since 2009.

This project originally started in Söke, Aydın, when we placed special life platforms suitable for storks to build nests at the top of our poles of the power distribution line. Today, our electric poles are home to over 6,000 storks every year in Aydın, Denizli and Muğla.

A New Home for Storks

Every year, we perform technical maintenance on the special life platforms that we place before the migration season, we perform cleaning and checks in the stork nests, and insulate the power distribution lines near the nests. We shape our investment projects quite sensitively in regions where there are lots of migration paths and storks.

Together with our colleagues, we check the nests before the migration season and clean unnatural materials that may harm the stork and its chicks, such as plastic bags and threads. Once our technical teams have completed the checks on the special life platforms and insulation work, we offer our guests a safe and healthy living space.

We know that storks build their nests at the same point every year; so, if there are special life platforms on the electric poles that are left idle and to be removed after the investment work, we do not change anything; we protect them only with a stork nest function.

Together with our stakeholders, we observe differences in the behaviors and habits of storks, caused by global climate change. Limited water sources on the migration paths force storks to choose different routes. For this reason, we take action again for storks that choose new locations in our service area, installing new life platforms on our electric poles.

Our project called A New Home for Storks created big changes in the internal and external impact area; the nests installed on the electric poles prevented power outages. “A New Home for Storks”, a corporate social responsibility project originally started by Adm Elektrik among distribution companies, was demonstrated as an example to other power distribution companies by the Ministry of Energy and Natural Resources, which allowed the project to spread.

The biggest sensibility we have has always been “sustainability and continuity” in the corporate social responsibility projects, which we carry out as a reflection of our organizational culture.

We are proud to pioneer other power distribution companies through our actions towards the objectives of the project. We are well aware of the fact that the resources in this world are limited, which motivates us to keep working with excitement and energy to do our part for a cleaner and more livable world.

Please click here for a video on our project called A New Home for Storks.


A New Home for Storks

All Awards Given to Our Project

In 2015, our project got the “Sustainability” prize offered by the European Corporate Social Responsibility Association, and it still continues to get appreciation for the benefits it offers for the environment and natural life.

Below are all the awards our project has received so far:

• Türkiye Elektrik Dağıtım A.Ş. (TEDAŞ) Public Relations “Special Project” – 2009

• Turkish Corporate Social Responsibility Association, KSS Marketplace Event, “Third” Prize in KSS Projects of the Year and “Exemplary Environmental Strategy” Awards – 2012

• Ministry of Energy and Natural Resources, Exemplary Project – 2013

• Turkish Corporate Social Responsibility Association, KSS Marketplace Event, “Sustainability” Award - 2015

• Turkish Corporate Social Responsibility Association, 12th Corporate Social Responsibility Summit, “Sustainable Development Awards, Terrestrial Life Category” Platinum Award - 2020

• 19th Stevie International Business Awards, 'Communication/Public Relations Campaign of the Year-Environment', Stevie Golden Award – 2022

• Communitas Awards, 'Excellence, Ethics, Environmental Responsibility and Sustainability in Corporate Social Responsibility'', 3 Awards – 2022

• European Excellence Awards, 'National and Regional Campaigns-Turkey'' Winner – 2022

• Middle East and North Africa Stevie® Awards, 5 Awards in total; i.e. 2 Golden, 1 Silver and 2 Bronze awards, -2023

20.Stevie® International Business Awards Etkinliği'nde, ''Yılın İletişim/Halkla İlişkiler Kampanyası-Kurumsal Sorumluluk'' kategorisinde Stevie® Bronz Ödülü – 2023





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